Wednesday, February 18, 2009
New Website...
We are happy to announce we have upgraded our blogsite and can now be located at (no blogspot)
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Valentines day, or Single Awareness Day... you choose!

Hello, Hello! We find ourselves here once again, another day that is either the opportunity to tell those you appreciate in you life that you do in fact appreciate them, or it may feel like a day that is just a constant reminder that you are single. Of my 30 years I've actually only had a Valentine one year, (and if I remember correctly, he conveniently "forgot" about it....;), so that means 29 years on my own on Valentines Day. I've finally reached the point where I realize that today doesn't have to be lonely. We all have people in our lives that mean more to us then we can ever tell them. Rather than being cranky today and tossing rude looks at happy couples, I am changing my attitude, being happy for those are in love, encouraging those who are not and reminding those in my life that I love them. In Arabic we say أحبك (O-Hib-kee), which I love because it reminds me of "the key to life".
So go out and celebrate those you love and appreciate today. It can be your significant other, your children... even your favorite barista at Biggby! (hint, hint ;) We have free hugs and kisses while supplies last!
In the words of a great man... "wuv, twu wuv, is what bwings us togever To-day, it's a dweem wiv in a dweem..."
Take care, drive safe, B-Loved.
Today I would like to say thank you to one of my favorite customers Mark, he always gets a decaf americano and takes the time to get to know each of us individually. Mark thank you for caring about each of us... you brighten our day!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Friday the 13th

Historically, Friday the 13th is rumored to be the most unlucky day of the year. You know the sayings; "Step on a crack, break your mother's back", "Don't let a black cat cross your path", "Break a mirror, and you will have 7 years bad luck". So, if anything will go bad, today is the day. . . . or IS it? This could be the luckiest day of your life. Create your own luck by coming in to the Jackson Biggby to get our "Lucky Latte"! Mention that you read about the "Lucky Latte" on this blogspot, and recieve a 10 oz for just $1.00! You never know, with all the rain we have had latlely, you may just find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
B - Lucky!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

With warmer weather, comes the melting, the fog, and yes, the RAIN. You can view it 2 ways: it can be gloomy and depressing, making you want to curl up in a blanket, and sleep. Or, you can look at it as a renewal. Life abounds from water. It grows out of water, it grows when watered, and it glistens with dew. As I see it, with water, or rain, it is a new beginning. I know it is a little chilly and early yet to get out the galoshes and traipse through the puddles, but this rain is an appetizer to those soon-to-be-coming warm spring showers. I like to feel the rain hit my face and wash away yesterday, and start anew.
As I know it is still February, and it WILL get cold again, I still like to think about the hope of spring, and all that it means. Now with that said, you can take advantage of this delightful day. Be playful again: park your car a few spots father away, and take a refreshing stroll in the mist. Or, if you are on your way to a destination, and feel that the rain is nice, but better left on the outside, while you enjoy viewing it from the inside of your car, visit us through our DRIVE-THRU. We would love to see your smiling face through the drive thru window, OR, coming through the front door with a freshly dampened face from the rain! Enjoy the day! B-playful

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Valentines Day
Monday, February 9, 2009
Biggby Family Guest Book

Biggby Coffee Jackson Michigan,
guest book,
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Can you feel that?
That warmth as it creeps up on you, sneaking through your hair to warm your scalp, the feeling of your fingers being out of your gloves and not recoiling in response to the cold? The ability to run out to your car and not have to spend five minutes bundling up... Its amazing.. and it is the sun. In Arabic it is شمس and is pronounced shem's, which is fantastic.
"But really tacos are soo good I love them. I sometimes wake up in the knight and have the worst craving for a burrito. Also I think that I might be Batman. Did you ever notice how nice lemon pledge smells? Drink coffee. Do you ever wish you could drive a tank, just once. Just to feel the power...VROOOMMMM!!! WHEEEEE!!!!! Ah but I digrese(or however its spelled). Dry skin hurts. I think that turkey subs with bacon is just awesome. Most people are unaware of the fact that Swiss Miss makes pudding cups. They are amazing, a little bit like hot fudge pudding. hugs are great. Perhaps I should pursue goat herding. Amen."
So this last bit... I walked away from my computer and Aaron commondeered it... This is what I work with... can I get some sympathy?
As I was saying... Shem's... I love the sun, it makes my heart fill with hope of summer just around the corner. It has been decided that I was born about 5 states too far north. Once it warms up a bit you will see my little bike out front when I am working. There is nothing better than going for a nice long bike ride that ends with a delicious iced tea or coffee at the end. That is what we have to look forward to. And quite honestly, I am excited!
Be WARM!!!!!
This week I am so thankful for the young man at Jackson 10 (tall, thin, and has a dark beard) who is always so very nice to me. He is a hard worker and is pretty much always in a pleasent mood. So thank you mystery movie guy, it is always a pleasure doing business with you!
"But really tacos are soo good I love them. I sometimes wake up in the knight and have the worst craving for a burrito. Also I think that I might be Batman. Did you ever notice how nice lemon pledge smells? Drink coffee. Do you ever wish you could drive a tank, just once. Just to feel the power...VROOOMMMM!!! WHEEEEE!!!!! Ah but I digrese(or however its spelled). Dry skin hurts. I think that turkey subs with bacon is just awesome. Most people are unaware of the fact that Swiss Miss makes pudding cups. They are amazing, a little bit like hot fudge pudding. hugs are great. Perhaps I should pursue goat herding. Amen."
So this last bit... I walked away from my computer and Aaron commondeered it... This is what I work with... can I get some sympathy?
As I was saying... Shem's... I love the sun, it makes my heart fill with hope of summer just around the corner. It has been decided that I was born about 5 states too far north. Once it warms up a bit you will see my little bike out front when I am working. There is nothing better than going for a nice long bike ride that ends with a delicious iced tea or coffee at the end. That is what we have to look forward to. And quite honestly, I am excited!
Be WARM!!!!!
This week I am so thankful for the young man at Jackson 10 (tall, thin, and has a dark beard) who is always so very nice to me. He is a hard worker and is pretty much always in a pleasent mood. So thank you mystery movie guy, it is always a pleasure doing business with you!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Imitation is the fondest form of flattery!!
Below is a blog post from Enjoy!
A BIGG 'Thank You' to Jackson Coffee
Yep that's right "Thanks Jackson Coffee" it's been fun watching you try to capitalize on our logo, our reputation, and all that we have built in these short 10 years we have been franchising!An interesting business model you have...let's see, create a unique logo and identification for Jackson Coffee. Ahhhh not so much, simply change the highly identifiable BIGGBY rectangle block orange and black B logo to an orange circle with a black J....hmmmmm, not feelin' too original there, ya'know? Then let's see, for marketing....strike a notable difference in the marketplace by creating a unique identity. Ahhhhh, not so much again, instead chase after BIGGBY customers by buying the paid keyword BIGGBY on GOOGLE (and other sites) and offer those people a free beverage...or better yet, now, buy $1,600 dollars worth of outdoor advertising to emphasise BIGGBY COFFEE, it's font style, and the unique spelling of it's name to people (customers, maybe even yours) that may not have even considered going to BIGGBY COFFEE before, but definitely will now...Wow! Unbelievable! Again, Thank You! Thank you for making BIGGBY COFFEE the one to beat!
On another note this idea that you roast everyday is at best interesting...I mean we are not able to roast all of our 500,000 pound annual usage in one day either, but I assume the larger point you would like to make is that you roast on site...but, even that is akin to somebody like KFC suggesting that they slaughter their chickens at their stores (yuk.) The coffee shop industry is littered with concepts that have come and gone based on the idea that they roast at their shop...many from Michigan, including Java Master to name one, or Lone Star Coffee to name another. Although in store roasting is a quaint idea that some have done well with including the Woolly Bugger in Harbor Springs...this manufacturing process called 'roasting' is a sophisticated and scientific process and tends to be very inconsistent in a small applications...and is often explained away with the use of words like artisan and micro. Don't get me wrong, there is such a thing as Artisan and Micro Roasters out there doing a great job...but none that are trying to articulate that great job by first emulating another company in one breath and then knocking them with the next breath. No the companies that I know that do a great job all have their own distinct personality and ID' should try it !Of course I couldn't resist flipping through your website a little, and there are a coupla points that you may want to brush up on there too.
You suggest that you are 'family operated'...certainly a noble statement, but if it's going to be a point of differentiation...then make sure it's different. All BIGGBY COFFEE shops are independently and locally owned, and of course pretty much everybody comes from a family, right? I mean that's the way that works, I think? Sure it does, and the Jackson BIGGBY COFFEE is no different it's owned and operated by a local family too! Wad'ya thinkin'?
Another little nugget of state you use a 100% arabica does Folgers in some of their blends, but that doesn't make their coffee good, ya'know? This is tantamount to you saying you use 100% coffee...whoppeee! Please note that because coffee is 100% arabica is not a statement of quality...there are good and there are bad arabica's, and there are good and bad robusta's alike. Please also note that, how many countries you buy from, is completely irrelevant, oh and, FYI coffee needs to de-gas for at least a day before it should be brewed and consumed. Freshness is key in coffee production...and coffee really does start oxidising right away after roasting, but some of this oxidising is necessary to begin to develop the beautiful and complex flavors that we all look for in a cup of coffee. Come on get with it! My last little rant is your reference to no 'secret blends'...and of course BIGGBY COFFEE has some blends that are secret...and after I have watched a company like yours try to copy so much that we it any surprise that we may not divulge every recipe that we have?...Particularly in our core product. Duh!Well, usually I'd let this kinda thing go...and simply chalk up your emulation as a form of flattery. But seriously, I have watched companies try to copy things we do and try to tear down who we are...and I find either pathway not very healthy or doesn't work. It doesn't work because it doesn't come from a good place...sure everybody has a right to compete, but if you look at the great companies they never do it do it this way. They know who they are and where they want to go...and they pursue that with integrity and passion. I would encourage you to choose a better pathway than the one your on and fire whoever is making your marketing decisions(even if they are a family member)...simply said, they are doing more for BIGGBY COFFEE than anything...and although
I would love to thank them personally someday, I'm guessing that might never happen :)But until then keep this in mind... B-Happy, Have Fun, Love People, Make Friends, and Make Great Coffee!All my best,BIGGBY BOB
A BIGG 'Thank You' to Jackson Coffee
Yep that's right "Thanks Jackson Coffee" it's been fun watching you try to capitalize on our logo, our reputation, and all that we have built in these short 10 years we have been franchising!An interesting business model you have...let's see, create a unique logo and identification for Jackson Coffee. Ahhhh not so much, simply change the highly identifiable BIGGBY rectangle block orange and black B logo to an orange circle with a black J....hmmmmm, not feelin' too original there, ya'know? Then let's see, for marketing....strike a notable difference in the marketplace by creating a unique identity. Ahhhhh, not so much again, instead chase after BIGGBY customers by buying the paid keyword BIGGBY on GOOGLE (and other sites) and offer those people a free beverage...or better yet, now, buy $1,600 dollars worth of outdoor advertising to emphasise BIGGBY COFFEE, it's font style, and the unique spelling of it's name to people (customers, maybe even yours) that may not have even considered going to BIGGBY COFFEE before, but definitely will now...Wow! Unbelievable! Again, Thank You! Thank you for making BIGGBY COFFEE the one to beat!
On another note this idea that you roast everyday is at best interesting...I mean we are not able to roast all of our 500,000 pound annual usage in one day either, but I assume the larger point you would like to make is that you roast on site...but, even that is akin to somebody like KFC suggesting that they slaughter their chickens at their stores (yuk.) The coffee shop industry is littered with concepts that have come and gone based on the idea that they roast at their shop...many from Michigan, including Java Master to name one, or Lone Star Coffee to name another. Although in store roasting is a quaint idea that some have done well with including the Woolly Bugger in Harbor Springs...this manufacturing process called 'roasting' is a sophisticated and scientific process and tends to be very inconsistent in a small applications...and is often explained away with the use of words like artisan and micro. Don't get me wrong, there is such a thing as Artisan and Micro Roasters out there doing a great job...but none that are trying to articulate that great job by first emulating another company in one breath and then knocking them with the next breath. No the companies that I know that do a great job all have their own distinct personality and ID' should try it !Of course I couldn't resist flipping through your website a little, and there are a coupla points that you may want to brush up on there too.
You suggest that you are 'family operated'...certainly a noble statement, but if it's going to be a point of differentiation...then make sure it's different. All BIGGBY COFFEE shops are independently and locally owned, and of course pretty much everybody comes from a family, right? I mean that's the way that works, I think? Sure it does, and the Jackson BIGGBY COFFEE is no different it's owned and operated by a local family too! Wad'ya thinkin'?
Another little nugget of state you use a 100% arabica does Folgers in some of their blends, but that doesn't make their coffee good, ya'know? This is tantamount to you saying you use 100% coffee...whoppeee! Please note that because coffee is 100% arabica is not a statement of quality...there are good and there are bad arabica's, and there are good and bad robusta's alike. Please also note that, how many countries you buy from, is completely irrelevant, oh and, FYI coffee needs to de-gas for at least a day before it should be brewed and consumed. Freshness is key in coffee production...and coffee really does start oxidising right away after roasting, but some of this oxidising is necessary to begin to develop the beautiful and complex flavors that we all look for in a cup of coffee. Come on get with it! My last little rant is your reference to no 'secret blends'...and of course BIGGBY COFFEE has some blends that are secret...and after I have watched a company like yours try to copy so much that we it any surprise that we may not divulge every recipe that we have?...Particularly in our core product. Duh!Well, usually I'd let this kinda thing go...and simply chalk up your emulation as a form of flattery. But seriously, I have watched companies try to copy things we do and try to tear down who we are...and I find either pathway not very healthy or doesn't work. It doesn't work because it doesn't come from a good place...sure everybody has a right to compete, but if you look at the great companies they never do it do it this way. They know who they are and where they want to go...and they pursue that with integrity and passion. I would encourage you to choose a better pathway than the one your on and fire whoever is making your marketing decisions(even if they are a family member)...simply said, they are doing more for BIGGBY COFFEE than anything...and although
I would love to thank them personally someday, I'm guessing that might never happen :)But until then keep this in mind... B-Happy, Have Fun, Love People, Make Friends, and Make Great Coffee!All my best,BIGGBY BOB
Thursday, February 5, 2009
A bloggers contract!
So, my wife Denise and I were talking and I decided to make a commitment to blog everyday until we get some traffic on the site. The site will be filled with wierd, fun, and random bits of information that will make you leave it in a better mood than before you visited. Please make comments if you would like!
Drink Coffee and love life!!!
Drink Coffee and love life!!!
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