Friday, November 21, 2008

Give. Thanks.

Here we are, less than a week from Thanksgiving. The snow is falling, bowl games are on the horizon, and as custom of late, the Lions are killing me!!! Every year at Thanksgiving we assemble at my Aunts house. There are 6 grandparents, 17 parents/aunts/uncles, and pushing close to 20 grandkids. Aunt Barb always had a few "strays", folks who had nowhere to go or do for the day. It is chaos! But it is also love, in its most precious form. Families coming together, hugging, sharing, cooking, laughing, drinking, eating and giving. Aunt Barb insists that we all go around the table and state what we are thankful for. When I was a child I saw this as a silly ritual that we participated in (sometimes unwilling). Now as an adult I love listening to every one talk about the blessings in their lives.

This Thanksgiving I am going to be in Florida for the week, so I am going to miss that wonderful atmosphere. It is surely a loss for me, but I know that they will be there next year, and all the years after. I am so blessed to have my family and friends so close by. There are so many who don't have that luxury, either they have moved far from home and cannot return, or simply do not have any family. I think that we should all make it a priority to include those people in our day. Whether it is a smile and a hello, an invitation to dinner, much needed groceries to help fill their table or maybe helping to feed them at a kitchen. What ever you can do, where ever you can do it, this Thanksgiving reach out to those around you. Lets just be a little like my beautiful Aunt, reach out, and you never know what you will find.

Josh and Jacob will be reaching out here at the store between 6 and 10, so if you need your morning joe, come on out... they would love to see you. If you bring a non perishable food item for the food bank box in our lobby, we will give you a dollar off a super size drink.

Happy Thanksgiving all.


P.S. I promise I will post a picture of the warm beach!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We will be looking forward to seeing those pictures. Make sure you are holding a Biggby mug in FL.