So this up coming week is finals week for most students, me being one of them. If you have a college student in your life, whether they are a child, a sibling, a parent or just a friend, please give them some slack this week. It' a tough week. Think back to when you were in college... This was the week that you put off for the entire semester. All of your well planned procrastination has now come to bite you in the behind. You find yourself staying up late at night, writing papers that you've known about for 15 weeks, or studying for 4 different finals.
College student get a lot of crap from non-college students. Most people think that college is just an extension of high school. We are viewed as lay abouts whom take naps throughout the day, watch youtube and update our facebooks during class. Let me say that it is true that we take naps, and we don't always pay attention during lectures; but lets be honest... neither did you! :) We are running low on our left over financial aid, and have decided that if we have to eat one more package of ramen or box of mac n' cheese we just might loose it!
In our defense, most of us haven't had five consecutive hours of sleep in years. (When I was in Florida my body wouldn't allow me to sleep beyond about four hours, because it is so used to terrible sleeping habits). Most students have moved beyond the shame that is public sleeping, and have little problem with crashing in the library or lounge. We are faced with another meal out of a vending machine, and another day of bad nutrition. And to top it all off, we will only see a 70$ return on books that we paid 470$ at the beginning of the semester.
So if you find yourself faced with a short tempered student in you life, buy them a Caramel Mocha or a bag of coffee, offer to cook them a real dinner or just be nice. We promise, in a week we will be mostly back to normal... well, at least until midterms next semester...
Take Great Care,
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