Monday, December 29, 2008

New Years, its almost here....

So i dont know if you've been paying attention, but it is here. The end of the year. When we find ourselves recounting our past year, asking the hard questions about what we did, who we touched, how we improved ourselves.

The best thing about the new year is that we have an opportunity to start fresh. Begin new, make resolutions and goals for the coming year. Will you resolve to stop smoking? Lose weight? Spend more time with your family? Get better grades?

My resolution this year is simply this: I hope to be more gracious and generous with my community. It is so easy to sit back and whine about where I live, and who I live by. This year I am going to stop whining and start doing. Anyone interested in joining me?

In the past when I have made resolutions about me they have always flopped, perhaps if I make them about those around me I will be more successful, that is all I can hope for anyways. Lets touch some lives this year, shall we?

On another note, if you are out late on New Years Eve and need your morning joe to get your groove back on, we will be here... helping you out on New Years Day from 8am to 10pm. Come on in, tell us about your day, get a cuppa and start out the new year right with the perfect brew. Remember if your family didn't get you that mug that you wanted or the gift card that you were longing for for Christmas... Good news! ...we still have them for you.

Be safe and well

P.S. Don't forget game night, a time for all to come and hang out, play cards or board games with Elizabeth and get to know others in your Biggby Community. Friday nights at 7:30. Come, get dinner at Roly and then fun and games at Biggby. See you there!

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